Susan Rae, Romantic Suspense Author

Romance and Suspense…The Best of Both Worlds!

Holiday Traditions–Grandma’s Christmas Jell-O

Holiday Traditions–Grandma’s Christmas Jell-O

As the holidays approach, it’s time to think about our celebrations and family traditions. Many of our traditions center around food. One dish that Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without in our family is Grandma’s Christmas Jell-O. No matter what the main entrée, when we get together we always have to have the Jell-O. Although easy, this recipe does take time to prepare as it is a total of 12 layers. Allow at least six hours for the entire prep. (Hint: put dish in the refrigerator at least one hour ahead of time to speed up the set of the first layer.)

Sorry, I haven’t made it yet, so I don’t have a picture, but the recipe should be easy to follow! I’ll post a pic when I get one. 🙂

As we prepare for the holidays, I’m wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!

Susan Rae

Grandma’s Christmas Jell-O

Use a 13 x 9 Pyrex dish

1 can (13 oz.) Milnot

3 small pkgs. (3 oz.) lime Jell-0

3 small pkgs. (3 oz.) cherry or strawberry Jell-O

Use lime flavor first. Dissolve one pkg. in 1 1/3 cups boiling water. Cool. Reserve ¾ cup Jell-O. Pour remainder in dish. Put in refrigerator until set hard (45min. to 1 hour). Add ¼ cup Milnot to the ¾ cup reserved Jell-O and stir. Pour over clear set Jell-O. Mix cherry or strawberry Jell-O. Prepare as with green layer and repeat four more times, alternating the green layers and red layers until you have 12 full layers: Green–light-green, red–light, red, and so on. Refrigerate overnight. Cut into squares and serve with a small spatula.

(This can also be made any time of year by using 6 different flavors and layering from dark to light. Then we call it Ribbon Jell-O. Use large pkgs. of Jell-O and double the amount of water and milnot to make 12 layers for a lasagna size pan!)

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