Susan Rae, Romantic Suspense Author

Romance and Suspense…The Best of Both Worlds!

Archive for the month “March, 2012”

You Can’t Judge a Book by Its Cover? Really?

 Okay, you probably can’t tell how expertly plotted a book is, or how deft a writer is with a phrase by the cover, but you can or should be able to glean a heck of a lot from it. In today’s increasingly visual/on-line society it is more important than ever to have covers that are not only eye-catching, but convey the genre, mood, and texture of the story. The cover art is what grabs the browser first, then hopefully they read the tag-line, then the blurb, then take a peek inside at the writing. Read more…

Hello world!

Welcome to my new WordPress Blog/Web site!  I am very excited to start this new adventure.  With this new site, I hope to be able to keep in better touch with fans and fellow writers.  It will be easier for me to post instant updates on the status of my books on this site, give some insight into the creative process, and perhaps a window into the writing life itself.

I have to admit, I came into this whole blog thing with a bit of hesitation. All the instant info available in cyberspace now is almost debilitating.  I like writing.  I like writing novels.  I like sitting at my desk, at the computer, by myself, uninterrupted as I plug away at a scene or two.  But, I’m not truly by myself, and I’m not really sitting at the computer–I’m in a world with characters who are busy living interesting and hopefully exciting lives in settings which are sometimes idylic, sometimes frightening as the storyline requires.  When the writing is going well, sometimes the husband will come home and I look up and realize it is 6pm already and I’ve written the entire day away.  Okay, it doesn’t happen that often, but sometimes… Read more…

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