Susan Rae, Romantic Suspense Author

Romance and Suspense…The Best of Both Worlds!

Archive for the month “December, 2013”

Wishing You All A Very Merry Chistmas!

Christmas came early to our house this year.  How fun it was to have the daughters, son-in-laws, and grandchildren for the day.  The only one missing was the number one son, but he was totally in our hearts.  The hubby and I are looking forward to visiting him sometime in the next couple of months.  So now, with Christmas Eve upon us, we are wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas.  May your hearts be filled with love and joy, may all those you hold dear be safe, and may the new year be replete with hopes and dreams fulfilled.

Until Next Year,

Susan Rae

Cyber Monday SALE: ALL e-books 50% off at

It’s Cyber Monday at Musa Publishing. ALL E-BOOKS 50% OFF!
The weather outside may be frightful, but the fire is definitely heating up between Chicago Paramedic Angela DeLuca and ICE Agent Troy Deavers.  It’s the perfect season to enjoy ICE blue! 
Start your purchasing here, and then continue on to see the other great reads MUSA has to offer.
Now, while your having fun shopping, I’m getting back to work on TRUE blue, Part #3 of the DeLuca Family Series!
Until next time,
Happy Reading,

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